Test-it PrCr tests for Proteinuria which is used as a screening test for Preeclampsia. It measures protein in the urine in combination with creatinine to aid in the early detection of Preeclampsia in pregnant women.

Test-it PrCr is a standard urine dip-stick test, and no laboratory or refrigeration is required. The easy to interpret results are provided after just 60 seconds.

It's an ideal screening test for preeclampsia. The test is low cost and non-invasive making it perfect for use when there is no laboratory or on-site testing is not affordable.

We have collaborated with a number of partners around the world such as PATH, who have spent many years working with us in development and roll-out. More information can be seen here.

LifeAssay has also been awarded the Global Grand Challenges grant. For further information click here.

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